But this isn't your average Alex Trebek-hosted dealie.

If you're not familiar with this "Irreverent Quiz Show Party Game" (as described by its creators), it's a one- to three-person trivia contest, set up in a game show environment. The better news is, now you'll be able to experience this fantastic party game from the comfort of your living room (instead of crowding around a little computer keyboard like the PC/Mac versions require you to do). The good news is, the PlayStation YDKJ rocks. The hugely successful and wildly addictive trivia game show You Don't Know Jack will be out for the PlayStation this fall. One of our favorite PC/Mac games of all time is finally coming to a home console. Sierra will be kind enough to bless us with more console editions of You Don't Know Jack. If you have a sense of humor and can appreciate pop culture references and extreme sarcasm, get this game! And God willing. This is a fun single-player game and an even better group party game. And surprisingly, all the voices, insults and witty remarks come out instantly, without hesitation or load times. PlayStation YDKJ plays perfectly and is way more fun on a television, with controllers in hand and your human competition outside of your "personal space" (on the computer, three players have to share the same keyboard and monitor.crowded, to say the least). Even if you've played the crap out of the PC/Mac versions like I have, this is still worth getting (unless you happened to have memorized all 800 questions taken from the original series.but even that's OK because this version has 600 new Q's). Heck, you won't even want to play Trivial Pursuit anymore. Once you taste lack, you will never want to go back to dry, humorless games like Jeopardy! or Wheel of Fortune. Any game show video game that will yell out and call Cyril (our main art dude) a "chicken $h!t" for not buzzing in during the final round deserves a gold award in my book.