Step back into the tightly laced sneakers of Parkour extraordinaire Kyle Crane and get ready to flex your Zombie slaying muscles once more with The Following, Techland’s massive expansion for Dying Light. dying Light: Following, or Dead Island combo? Dying Light The Following Enhanced Edition 19,1 GB This! Release date. Dying Light didn’t really wrap things up, with a cure still eluding Kyle and his buddies. Players will have a chance to become fearsome, violent berserkers, supported by new weapons, shields and buggy skins. Dying Light: Bozak Horde – a challenging game mode with its own side story. Techland has just announced the latest piece of DLC for Dying Light as, The Following. Dying Light: The Following Enhanced Edition GOG Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. First announced at … In 5 years from the release, this open world best-seller has won over 50 Game of the Year awards and expanded into an epic zombie saga. Roam a city devastated by a mysterious epidemic, scavenging for supplies and crafting weapons to help defeat the hordes of flesh-hungry enemies the plague has created. We bring you the enhanced edition of the base game with every expansion and game mode released so far, and a selection of the best DLC items.